Since so many people deal with sleep issues with a visit to the pharmacy, the supplement aisle, their primary care physician, or even an overnight sleep clinic, it might be surprising that insomnia is one of the issues that responds best to therapy. The core reasons therapy is good for sleep are fairly straightforward: distress about being awake can make it hard to fall asleep, and some people have developed bedtime routines that sabotage their sleep. It's these kinds of "Catch 22" problems that therapy can be most useful for, where we don't fully realize the extent to which we are putting barriers in our own way. Radical change is possible, but most people are so heavily invested in their current perspective that an outsider can rapidly identify changes in behavior and outlook that will easily resolve the issue; and sometimes finding the motivation to follow through on these changes takes little more than hearing another person say what on some level we already know to be true.
If you have the time and want to learn more, click the link at the bottom of this post. I go into depth explaining a range of sleep-related topics such as sleep debt, "paleo sleep", and some basic cognitive approaches to insomnia in a guest podccast with one of the coaches from Leadership Lab LLC.